Text Entry


It's easy to enter text into your notes. You can use Templates and Wordlists to quickly enter most of the data with a minimum of typing. You can also teach the program macros called Contractions which are automatically substituted with their full meaning whenever they are typed anywhere in the program. The program also supports pen, touchscreen, and speech recognition. It can also import your notes from a transcriptionist's file, then parse them with the natural language interpreter, updating all of the relevant portions of the program.

Finding by Meaning

Because of the unique natural language engine, you can search through your notes by meaning, in addition to searching alphabetically and phonetically. For example, let's look for when we examined the patient's heart, searching for "heart" by meaning.

The program takes us to the word "Cor", which means the same as "heart".

Medication Editor

Let's look at the patient's Medication Editor. Here we see a list of all of the patient's medications. We can change our view to see all medications ever taken, or just vaccines, and can sort alphabetically or chronologically.


The Medication Editor has a variety of utilities. For example, you can check the list for interactions, contraindications, inappropriate dosages, and overdue tests. You can see a list of Internet sites that pertain to the medication, run relevant algorithms, print brochures and prescriptions, view the dosing history, or jump to the visit when the medication was begun or discontinued. You can also see a "snapshot" of all of the medications and dosages the patient was taking on any given date in the past.

Visit Summary

When you finish a note, the program can automatically create a summary of the visit for the patient. You can custom design what this summary looks like and what items of information it contains (such as medication list, tests you have ordered, referrals you have made, when to return for the next visit, etc.). You can also add custom instructions to each report.


Dragon Naturally Speaking
Lab Corp
Instant Medical History
Office of the National Coordinator
Brentwood ECG

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